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events and actions

Dear ,
On Tuesday join Native Americans, environmentalists, and nurses at the San Diego Army Corps of Engineers office as part of a national day of action calling on the Army Corps and President Obama to revoke permits for the Dakota Access Pipeline. We'll have speakers (including local Native American leaders who've traveled to Standing Rock) and music, and we'll sign and deliver individual postcards to the Army Corps.
WHEN: Tuesday, Nov 15, 2016, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
WHERE: Army Corps of Engineers, 8775 Aero Drive, San Diego 92123
RSVP now to join us Tuesday as we stand in solidarity with Standing Rock
Please help us make this action huge! 
Over 200 people have RSVP'd already and we're hoping to double that number:
The movement to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing stronger each day, and, especially following the election, this is the time for all of us to rise up and play a role in the fight for a sustainable planet and a just society.
We can't wait to see you Tuesday. Email us with any questions.
Masada Disenhouse
Other Upcoming Events
SD350 Monthly Membership Meeting: Tues, Nov. 15, 6:45 pm, La Jolla
Join us for our Monthly Membership Meeting - a great way to learn what SanDiego350 is working on, how you can get involved, and to meet like-minded climate activists. La Jolla Village Square Shopping Mall - Community Room (downstairs by the movie theater box office), 8657 Villa La Jolla Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037. More info
SD350 Orientation Chat: Thurs, Nov. 17, 6:30 pm, Clairemont
Have recent events got you fired up to take action to protect our climate? Consider becoming a member! Learn about our organization and activities in a low-key, welcoming setting. Meet members, ask questions, see how we are organized and explore opportunities for getting involved. Bring a friend! Refreshments and mixer at 6:30pm, program at 7pm. At a member's home near Clairemont, address provided when you RSVP.
Election 2016 - Reflect and Reimagine: Sat, Nov. 19, 4:00 pm, La Jolla
An informal post-election meetup to decompress, debrief, reflect and re-imagine. Spend time with like minded people to absorb and process what this election means and what the next steps are to fight for climate justice given the cards we’ve been dealt. Let’s leverage local wins, and explore opportunities for improving climate action & policy locally & nationally. Featuring free hugs from friends and live music by Ashley Mazanec. Wine, beer (21+) and light snacks will be served (A $5-10 cash donation or potluck dish is suggested to help cover costs). At a member’s home in La Jolla, address provided when you RSVP.
Justice Can’t Wait: Tues., Nov. 29, 5 pm, downtown San Diego
Join us for a national day of action that brings together advocates for racial, economic, environmental, and climate justice. We’ll join a march that is about 1.4 miles starting at the Federal Building and ending by City College. Stay tuned for info on art builds the weekends of November 19-20 and 26-27!!! More info
Can't come to an event but want to support our work?
Please consider making a donation.
Please visit our website & check us out on Facebook and Twitter to stay in touch! Email us to find a carpool to an event, or with any questions. See you soon!