ICEJ January Meeting

Our next ICEJ meeting is Tuesday, January 11 from 3-4:30 PM. We will be planning our events for the first half of 2022. We would love to have you join us--simply save the Zoom link below or contact me at and I will add you to the Google event.
Join Zoom Meeting
GreenFaith's New Year Challenge
GreenFaith, the global climate justice organization that brought us Faiths 4 Climate Justice, invites us to step up our walk as we talk about the climate emergency. While individual behavior change by itself can’t save the planet - massive corporations, uncooperative governments, and greedy banks impede progress on climate justice - our increased commitment through our actions is essential to this social movement.
So, their New Year challenge is:
- Start the new year by living the change. Make a low carbon resolution to live out for the month of January.
- Register as an individual or group .
- Choose your low-carbon resolution and write a short letter to yourself about why you’re taking part.
- Connect with others on GreenFaith's Monday “Living the Change” community calls beginning on 3 January hear a spiritual reflection and share successes and struggles.
- Reflect and share about the resolution you are living out.
- Join the celebration and sharing with the global community at the 31 January call!
- And when you have registered, please drop ICEJ an email at to let us know. We would love to follow up to see how things went.
Sharing our low carbon resolution with others in our families and faith communities provides a model for others to consider, as well as more attention to this critical time of climate change.
The Living the Change webpage can be found here.
Next Advancing Earth Justice Talk
We will hold the second in our Advancing Earth Justice series of Zoom talks in early winter featuring Rev. Peggy Clarke, the senior minister at Community Church of New York (Unitarian Universalist) and a GreenFaith Fellow. Rev. Clarke attended the COP26 mtg in Glasglow and will give us an insider's view of what happened there. Stay tuned for more details.