Protect Rooftop Solar--Please Call Governor Newsom!

Over the past year the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has been considering a revision of their net energy metering policy called NEM 3.0. That revision was released on December 13 and may be voted on by the CPUC as early as January 27. With this version of the policy, it would appear that the CPUC has sided with the investor-owned utilities and is proposing to make drastic cuts to the benefits of going solar.
The CPUC’s proposed decisions threatens to:
- Reduce solar credits by 80 percent, from around 25 cents per kilowatt hour all the way down to 5 cents per kilowatt hour.
- Mandate solar customers to pay high and punitive monthly fees.
- An average system in SDG&E territory will carry the monthly fee of about $64 per month.
- An average system in PG&E territory will carry the monthly fee of about $48 per month
- An average system in SCE will carry the monthly fee of about $60 per month
- Take away protections for existing solar customers, which expected 20-years of so-called “grandfathering.” Under current rules, customers who went solar were guaranteed protections for 20 years. The proposed decision calls for a 25 percent reduction in grandfathering periods for existing customers.
- Increase dirty energy usage, worsening climate injustices and accelerating the climate crisis.
How you can help: Please call Governor Gavin Newsom and let him know that you are against this proposal and want to see a solar-friendly alternative proposal! Share this information with your friends, neighbors and colleagues! Call Governor Newsom at (916) 445-2841 or through the Solar Rights Alliance’s calling tool.”
Thank you for taking action to protect rooftop solar!!!