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A press event / rally to call on Rep. Scott Peters to oppose fast tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). We'll have signs and other visuals. Please wear your SanDiego350 t-shirt. We'll be at SIO (Scripps Institution of Oceanography), which is in Rep. Peter's district and one of the premier climate research institutions in the world. 

This secret trade agreement crafted by multi-national corporations would undermine climate, health and labor regulations and prevent rapid transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. It would allow multinational fossil fuel companies to sue governments that take action to stop climate change (under ISDS) and eliminate environmental reviews of fracked gas export facilities. 85% of the people writing this deal are from lobbying groups for massive corporations like Exxon and Nike. Finally, the TPP is being written in secret, and the American people can’t read the bill. In fact, the only way you can read it is if you’re a member of Congress, and you enter a secure windowless room on Capitol Hill without a phone, any notes, or staff.
May 27th, 2015 from  4:30 PM to  5:30 PM
La Jolla Shores Drive and Biological Grade
La Jolla, CA 92037
United States
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