Event RegistrationVoices in the Storm: Youth4Climate 2025 SummitMarch 15th, 2025, 11am-3:30pmJoin us to build community, get empowered to become a climate leader, and envision bold, creative actions! See the event page for details. Current Participant Info Additional Info Payment Participant Info status Status: Ready First Name Last Name Cell Phone Email Street Address City State/Province - None - Zip Code Text me with important updates Yes No Occupation Student Teacher Parent Employed Business owner Retired Other What grade are you in? - Select -Not a student6 or under789101112UndergraduateGrad studentPost Doctorate If between grades, enter the grade you are about to enter. School name If applicable, at which school will you be enrolled / teach in the 2024-25 school year? Please spell out entire school name (i.e., no acronyms). Are you involved with an eco-club at your school as a student or teacher? Yes No Would you like to start an eco club at your school? Yes No Pronouns - None -She/herHe/himThey/themOther Please list your preferred pronouns, if you would like to share. How did you hear about the this summit? Y4C newsletterY4C/YVO meetingSocial mediaTextEmailTeacherColleagueOther Are you a minor? Yes No I agree to stay home if: I have been diagnosed with COVID in the past 10 days without a subsequent negative test result and at least 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications.I or anyone in my household had any COVID-like symptoms in the past 14 days, including fever, fatigue, dry cough, and difficulty breathing without a negative test result. Submission Timestamp Set by script upon webform submission to serve as a indication that the contact has already registered for an event.