November 5 is coming up– Here’s how to Vote for Climate!
Energy for Everyone: Take Back Our Power! (from SDG&E)
When: August 15, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Where: Sempra HQ
488 Eighth Ave
San Diego, California
Contact: SanDiego350

Join our rally to protest SDG&E’s excessive rates and unsustainable policies.  As part of a week of action at nationwide, we will be demanding energy democracy and renewable, sustainable and affordable energy for everyone. 

Taking place at Sempra HQ, with a 10-foot “fracking derrick” and inspiring speakers, our action will raise awareness about how SDG&E is racking up massive profits at the expense of our climate, our health, and our future. 


Speakers include:


SDG&E is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sempra, and its cash cow. So, not only is SDG&E ripping us off (making nearly $1 billion in profits last year), but the exorbitant rates we pay are funding Sempra’s efforts to expand its fracked methane gas infrastructure and global exports and to kill rooftop solar. At a time when more than a quarter of San Diego families can’t afford their energy bills and people across the world are dying from exposure to extreme heat, we say: This. Must. Stop.


Join us, and thousands of others across the Country, to demand affordable energy rates, clean energy, and climate justice! Share! Invite your friends to participate. #SempraFracksOurFuture 


Cosponsors: Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, Power San Diego, Solar Rights Alliance, Mothers Out Front, and Hammond Climate Solutions Foundation