Led Bold, Strategic Campaigns
Won Important State Legislation
We successfully advocated in coalition for bills to protect communities from toxic oil drilling, ban plastic grocery bags, and require bidirectional EV charging. We’ll continue to push for the “Polluters Pay” act and to divest CA pensions from fossil fuels.
Led Coalition for Measure G
SD350 led grassroots coalition efforts and organized over 100 volunteers to promote Measure G to voters to secure transit, green jobs, and clean air. While sadly, Measure G failed narrowly, SD350 will continue to campaign for transit.
Confronted our Fossil Fuel Utility
We advocated for Energy Justice through creative actions (photos, TV coverage) with a national coalition bringing attention to utilities’ fossil fuel agenda. While the “Fire SDG&E” effort failed this year, we’ll continue to fight for public power.
Empowered Youth
Youth Celebrate Win Over Big Oil
Youth v Oil celebrated Big Oil’s withdrawal of its referendum to overturn the oil setback law passed in 2022. Youth passed five resolutions (inc. San Diego, Encinitas) in support of the law, which now protects frontline communities.
Youth Leadership Recognized
Youth4Climate received an Eco-America 2024 Teen Climate Leadership Award and $10,000 grant. Youth v Oil intern Emma Weibel was named one of 25 San Diego County Remarkable Teens for 2024. We celebrated graduating Seniors (photos).
Youth Urged Vote for Climate
SD350 Youth raised awareness and turned out the vote via a social media campaign, a rally, and Voice of SD and TV coverage with their “Vote for Climate” campaign. They also canvassed for measure G and analyzed Project 2025.
Mobilized & Skilled Up the Movement
Built Volunteer Leadership
We held a Volunteer Leadership Training with workshops on diverse topics, including effective communication, organizing, and campaign tactics. Ten youth took on volunteer leadership roles, and six members stepped up to be team leaders.
Increased Team Capacity
We added two new volunteer teams: the North County team, working on climate policy and education in North County, and the Events Team, organizing community-building events like our Brighter Future Gala and Party for the Planet.
Engaged and Educated
We tabled at over 40 events, engaging hundreds of San Diegans. We trained six USD Fellows and three high school interns to help with outreach, petition signing, and signature gathering at various events.
Stood Up for Climate Justice & Equity
South Bay Clean Energy Education
We kicked-off our South Bay Clean Energy Education Program, a 2 year program with nine teachers and a high school intern at three South Bay high schools to develop and pilot curriculum, activities, and exploring clean energy careers.
Outreach on Regional Policies
We partnered with government entities and diverse organizations to lead community outreach and education and to solicit feedback on the San Diego County Regional Decarbonization Framework and the Chula Vista Climate Action Plan.
Intersectional Connections
Youth4Climate members gave two workshops on “How to be a Youth Climate Activist” to diverse and binational youth groups (photos / video). Our youth were interviewed on KPBS on combating climate anxiety.
Final finances for the 2024 calendar year.