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Youth4Climate (Y4C) is empowering youth activists with climate change education, skill building, leadership and activism opportunities.
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  • Supporting youth-led campaigns, including Youth v. Oil and a coalition of high school eco-clubs.
  • Planning direct actions, like rallies and strikes.
  • Delivering programming to develop the leadership and skills of youth leaders, including an annual Youth Climate Action Summit, summer programs, and after school programs.
  • Working with local organizations to engage teachers into action for climate.


    • Develop educational programs to empower youth climate leaders.
    • Hold interactive events, such as art builds, socials, and voter registration parties.
    • Use email and social media to communicate with and engage Y4C members.
    • Create petitions and collect petition signatures.
    • Meet with elected officials and speak at public meetings.
    • Organize youth to take action.

Team Accomplishments

  • We organized and supported youth to lead climate strikes in Sept 2019, Sept 2021, and Sept 2022 – thousands of San Diego students striked and demanded climate action, with support from the San Diego Unified School Board.
  • In 2022, we held 2 in-person summits. Our Spring Summit drew in 36 participants, and our Fall Summit attracted 58 participants.
  • We’ve trained hundreds of youth climate leaders on climate science, communication, civic engagement, and activism via our Youth Climate Action Summit, Summer Camp, and other programs.
  • Our Youth v. Oil campaign successfully got these entities to pass resolutions calling on Gov. Newsom to end oil drilling in California and protect frontline communities:
    • San Diego City Council, San Diego Unified School Board, Sweetwater Unified School Board, San Diego County Board of Education, and UC Berkeley.

Fun Fact!

Youth4Climate alumni attend prestigious colleges like UCLA, UC Berkeley, Stanford, and Brown.