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ACTION: Send comments to SD on Climate Mitigation & Adaptation Plan (CMAP)

The City of San Diego must put together a climate plan in keeping with AB32 and other state laws. Unfortunately, the plan staff plans to send to the City Council for approval is very inadequate, not even meeting the stated goals and relying on too many voluntary and other measures that are out of their control.

Please send in a comment by October 1, 2012. We will also be posting details of the hearings at City Council where we can comment.

Email Instructions:
– Subject: City of San Diego Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Plan
– Text Body (Feel free to edit!)

Dear Councilmembers:

The City of San Diego Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Plan (CMAP) is an important start to addressing the issues of climate change in San Diego. However, the CMAP fails to meet State climate targets in 2035 and beyond, and relies too heavily on voluntary measures and assumptions regarding changes to federal and state mandates to reach the reductions in the plan.

Although the CMAP emissions targets are in line with state mandated goals, there are no strategies outlined in the CMAP that will get us to the 2035 or 2050 targets. The CMAP needs to include bold measures that will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions starting now, not in 2020 or 2035.

The CMAP should include measures that strengthens mass transit and bicycling, prioritizes sustainable land use, and follows a better Regional Transportation Plan (RTP).

We need to increase energy efficiency and conservation, incentivize renewables, especially rooftop solar, and transition away from fossil fuels.

Building codes should be strengthened to ensure that new homes are as energy and water efficient as possible. Incentives and financing for retrofitting are needed.

We need to explore options to reduce waste, and procure food and products locally.

The City needs to provide education, outreach, and be a leader in climate change.

Thank you for your consideration,