Calling all youth! This year’s Youth4Climate Summit: Voices in the Storm is Sat, March 15. Register today! 

Celebrating Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! Today and everyday, SanDiego350 strives to prevent the worst impacts of climate change and climate injustice. Wondering how you can help? Check out a few ideas below.

Get involved 

With more than 14 teams and coalitions, SanDiego350 has an opportunity for everyone. Fill out the volunteer interest form and commit to getting involved. 

Meatless Mondays 

Livestock production contributes an estimated 14.5% of all global greenhouse gas emissions from human activities — more than the entire transportation sector. Learn about how going meatless even once a week can make a difference here.

Swap single use plastics 

Replacing plastic bags and water bottles is a great place to start, but what about toothbrushes, soap containers, and food storage? Find inspiration here. 

Go thrifting

Did you know the fashion industry is the second largest consumer industry of water according to a UN report? Next time you need a new look, visit a local thrift store!

Start a garden 

There are many environmental benefits to planting your own garden. Find out which plants will thrive in your backyard or window box then get to growing! 

Attend an event

SanDiego350 hosts a variety of events, including webinars, rallies, book clubs and more. Check out our upcoming events to RSVP today!

Watch a documentary 

We’ve been in quarantine long enough that you’re looking for something new to watch right? We recommend Purple Mountains or The True Cost

Plan to actually bike and/or use public transportation more often

Did you know that the Metropolitan Transit System approved a plan to convert San Diego’s bus fleet to all zero-emissions vehicles by 2040? There are already several green buses in action; find the right route for you! 

Read more

Climate change is a complex, intersectional issue and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the information. Check out Earthday’s list of book recommendations to dig deeper on a range of topics.

Donate to support the Youth4Climate program 

Support SanDiego350’s youth fellowship program! We work to empower and engage youth throughout the region and they’re accomplishing incredible things. Learn more and donate to the program here. 

These suggestions probably sound familiar; we all know plastics are bad for the environment, right? But my challenge for you is to make these long term practices instead of just one time Earth Day actions. If this last year has shown us anything, we know that when we work together and advocate for change, we can make a difference. Commit to taking action today!

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