November 5 is coming up– Here’s how to Vote for Climate!

The Climate Die-In: a Firsthand Look

Author: Tamara Kramer, SD350 Volunteer

On August 2, SD350 participated in a “die-in.” Our activists laid down in protest at the Schwartz Federal Building to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency. Below is the firsthand experience of an activist who attended. 

Being a part of this movement in whatever way I can is important to me. Getting to stand (and lie down) with a group of people who are speaking up for the same cause has been extremely encouraging in this time that feels so uncertain. It felt good to hold up signs for what I believe in, knowing that this is just one piece of a large puzzle we are putting together. It was exciting to finally get to use my voice at the rally to speak up for what I believe in. As an environmental consultant, I feel first hand the damage we are doing to our environment, and it brings me a lot of sadness, but getting to participate in events like these makes me hopeful. It makes me feel like we can make a change. I am so excited to have this avenue to get involved and make a difference and I truly have hope that we can shift the dialogue and support this precious planet.

I am looking forward to staying involved with San Diego 350 in whatever way I can, and especially to continue doing more rallies and getting our voices heard and our needs met as people. This is about people, this movement really is about us, and I am excited to see what we can accomplish.

Check out the news coverage on our die-in demanding President Biden declare a Climate Emergency. And our very own Executive Director, Masada Disenhouse was interviewed by KPBS on the pros and cons of the Senate Climate Bill.