How did you first get involved with SD350, and when was that?
I attended a Climate Mobilization Rally with SD350 in 2017. After participating with the organization for a few years, I started working in 2019 with youth members and got involved with what eventually became the Youth4Climate350 group.
What drives your activism?
As a parent and a retired educator, I feel very strongly about the importance of leaving a healthier planet to our youth. Addressing climate change is the most pressing issue of our time.
What do you recommend to people who want to have a larger impact through the environmental movement? What do you prioritize in your own activism?
It is important to address issues not only at a global level but also at a local level. I prioritize my activism at the local level, and I like to work directly with youth to help them take part in the movement.
Is there anything else you would like people to know about you? Any fun facts?
I love really good quality dark chocolate which I was able to enjoy a lot when I lived in Switzerland for a year.