This month, we interviewed SanDiego350 volunteer, Katrina Olson to share about their climate activism. Katrina writes SD350’s volunteer newsletters.

How did you first get involved with SD350, and when was that?
I became involved 5 years ago, right after I retired and we moved to San Diego.
What drives your activism?
Climate change, to me, is the most pressing problem that the world faces. Social justice, poverty, health, economics, government and business all impact and are impacted by climate change. So I found San Diego350.
What do you recommend to people who want to have a larger impact through the environmental movement? What do you prioritize in your own activism?
I would say that potential activists should seek each other out, otherwise it is too easy to feel overwhelmed and fatalistic. I have especially loved the energy and actual successes of our youth activists. I believe that our job is to keep climate issues in the front of people’s minds- when they vote, when they make decisions and in their daily lives.
Is there anything else you would like people to know about you? Any fun facts?
I have 5 grandchildren here and in Denver- I would like for them to inherit a world that is a place where they can connect to nature and offers healthy, hopeful opportunities to their generation and the next.