New year, New you! Get involved in climate action this year! We need everyone part of this movement, now more than ever. Hear from four of our volunteers on why they got involved, how they got involved, and what they are working on as part of their volunteer teams at SanDiego350.
Chris Roberts, SD350 Transportation Team Co-Lead

How did you feel before & after you started volunteering?
Before I started volunteering for SD350, I was getting used to being retired, and even though I was keeping busy bicycling, birding, and had taken up swimming with a masters group, I had extra time on my hands. After I started volunteering, I discovered a whole new world of important work that needed to be done, and that volunteering was fulfilling and a lot of fun. And I’ve made a lot of new friends that I greatly appreciate.
Why did you get involved?
I’m a young member of the Baby Boom Generation, and I’ve always felt appalled at how poorly my generation is leaving Planet Earth, while at the same time becoming wealthy at the expense of future generations. There is a desperate need for our City and County to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the only way it will happen is if volunteer-driven organizations like SD350 stand up and make our voices heard!
How did you get involved?
I was being on-boarded to volunteer at a different organization (Planned Parenthood), and the volunteer coordinator, upon hearing how committed I was to bicycling and not driving a car, told me that I should check out SD350! My first SD350 meeting was with the wonderful Rita Clement, and Rita sold me on how rewarding it was to work at SD350, and she recommended that I check out the Transportation Team (which I now co-lead), and also to join the SB 1137 Research Team (which was really great!).
What team are you involved in? What do you do?
I’m co-lead of the Transportation Team, which fights for policies at the County and City level that will promote mass transit and reduce highway widening, thus reducing the number of automobiles, and will thus reduce greenhouse gas emissions. My job is to work with my co-lead, Mike Rancourt, to perform administrative tasks to keep the team running (e.g., organize monthly meetings, send out weekly updates on team activities, upcoming events, and highlight recent news articles about transportation and climate change; on-board new volunteers; and set yearly team objectives). We also look for new opportunities for our team to make a difference through promoting safe, non-car driving transportation.
Why is this work important to you?
This work is important because climate change constitutes an existential threat to our very existence as a society. Also I derive tremendous satisfaction in knowing that by showing up to volunteer with the wonderful, talented activists at SD350, I can make a difference, albeit small, in the fight against climate change. “We must be the change we want to see in the world.”
Azalea Angeles, Youth4Climate Media Lead

How did you feel before & after you started volunteering?
Before I started to volunteer for SD350/Y4C I felt excited and nervous to meet new community members within San Diego, and because I didn’t know anyone where I lived work with them before I felt as if I could be that representative from my own community. After volunteering I felt like I was doing my part as a youth by conversing in serious conversations about the climate and help plan Y4C events.
Why did you get involved?
I decided to get involved with SD350 when I realized that this could be my opportunity for understanding climate resilience and at the same time gain an education with working with adults.
How did you get involved?
I was introduced to SD450 when Emma Weibel (YvO intern) introduced me to it at one of our friends birthday party, the work she had done through school and outside was inspiring and interested me.
What team are you involved in? What do you do?
I am currently involved with Youth4Climate as a media lead which means that I help update our social media platforms and come up with ways on promoting our brand.
Why is this work important to you?
The work that I create with my peers through Youth4Climate is important to me because reaching out to our youth is so rewarding when we actually get to educate our peers. Students all over San Diego deserve to know what is happening within our environment and lives.
What are you looking forward to in 2025?
I am definitely looking forward to seeing where my life takes me after high school, at the moment I’m a bit nervous about all of the college applications I finished but I know that in the end I did my best and I feel most proud of the people I worked with; especially those that gave me a voice and a platform to feel confident in.”
Katharine Harrison, SD350 Legislative Team Co-Lead

How did you feel before & after you started volunteering?
Before: Concerned, dumb and useless. I had never done any political or advocacy work and hadn’t a clue how it gets done. But I read Jane Fonda’s book What Can I Do? and jumped in.
After: It took me two years to find my niche but at least I felt like I was learning and doing something.
Now I feel engaged, empowered, and humbled and I am resolved to work with others as long as it takes, taking satisfaction in small, incremental victories.
Why did you get involved?
To be honest, it was my grief at what was happening to the natural world, the alarming decrease in the diversity of flora and fauna. Also my complete gross out about plastic pollution. I was pretty cynical about humanity. It was only through my education with SD350 and allies that I became sympathetic to human communities and admiring of the caring activist communities that work with them. Now I am much more hopeful, cynicism quiet. I am at peace with whatever happens and find this strangely focusing and helpful.
How did you get involved?
During Covid, when I was a few months short of retiring, I asked around and a friend of a friend told me about SD350. I attended an orientation and had one-on-one chats with folk on different teams. I read climate books every morning for six months to try to catch up. When I retired, I joined the adult support group for Youth4Climate and also lobbied for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Over time, I realized I wanted to work with state and local policy and made the leap.
What team are you involved in? What do you do?
I am the current chairperson for the Legislative Team. We follow the California legislative cycle closely, researching and then lobbying for state bills we think will have the most impact on climate change and environmental justice.
Why is this work important to you?
Education and legislation are required to stop and reverse global warming and usher in a sustainable, harmonious world where everyone (including the non-human world) matters. Humanity is short sighted and we must elongate our view for our children and their descendants and the planet that supports us.
What are you looking forward to in 2025?
Being a small part of a swelling pushback against forces of extreme greed, fear, and tyranny. Finally getting a long break to go to Mexico and immerse myself in the Spanish language (bucket list item). Living every day fully.
Abby Crowley, SD350 Plant-Forward Team Leader

How did you feel before & after you started volunteering?
Since I started volunteering, I have felt a sense of community, as well as a greater sense of purpose.
Why did you get involved?
Upon graduating from college and moving to San Diego, I knew that I wanted to be involved in climate activism again and wanted a way to find community in this new city. Being involved with SanDiego350 has given me so many opportunities to volunteer, attend in-person events, grow as a leader, learn about climate policy, and feel like I’m part of a community of like-minded people.
How did you get involved?
I was looking for climate organizations in San Diego to volunteer with and/or apply for a job with when I found SanDiego350. At the same time, I had been introduced to one of the staff members by a mutual connection so I took it as a sign to fill out the volunteer interest form. I was particularly drawn to SD350 because of the organization’s focus on climate action, policy, and the fact that there was a whole team dedicated to food issues.
What team are you involved in? What do you do?
I’m involved in the Communications team(please correct this if this isn’t what it’s called haha) and I help write the weekly volunteer newsletter! This has been such a fun project that’s allowed me to know what’s going on within the organization and our community while developing my writing skills. I’m also involved in the new SD350 Plant-Forward team! I am the team lead, so I’ve been working on getting the team up and running with new projects.
Why is this work important to you?
I grew up outdoors in nature, so I have a deep rooted love and respect for our environment. I also am aware of the seriousness of the climate crisis and feel the need to do everything in my power to be part of the solution.
What are you looking forward to in 2025?
I am so excited to see how the new Plant Forward team grows. We have a lot of projects and ideas with tons of potential, and the team has great energy. I’m also looking at the new administration as an opportunity to get more involved in policy work, pushing back and holding officials accountable(and protesting!).