Support Climate Action! Get your early bird tickets to SanDiego350’s Sept 21 Gala today!
Biden: Declare a Climate Emergency NOW & Stop Approving Fossil Fuel Projects
When: January 21, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Where: 333 West Broadway in Federal Plaza
San Diego, California
Contact: Denika @ SanDiego350

Rally with us Downtown San Diego as we join events across the country in a national day of action calling on President Biden to declare a climate emergency, take bold climate action, and stop approving fossil fuel projects which sacrifice our frontline, Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities to the greed of Big Oil & Gas. 

With a divided Congress, we need President Biden to step up his climate game and use his executive powers to enact the bold climate policies we need to protect our communities – starting with declaring a climate emergency and rejecting fossil fuel projects. 

In San Diego, we'll be marching and rallying around the federal building on January 21st – the second anniversary of Biden’s inauguration. We have incredible speakers, including Council President Sean Elo-Rivera, Councilmember Joe LaCava, inspiring arts, and opportunities to take action and get involved for people of all ages!

Frontline communities face the brunt of health impacts from fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure, including respiratory diseases, cancer, and premature births. We need a just transition to renewable transportation and clean power generation, while creating millions of high-quality union jobs.

This day of action is being organized by a partnership of climate, environmental justice, frontline and indigenous organizations.

Join us: Raise your voice to call for bold action and climate justice!

This national event will be honoring Joye Braun. She dedicated her life to this movement and would want us to keep fighting. 


Big thank you to our partners: BikeSD, California Nurses Association, San Diego Center on Policy Initiatives (CPI), Change Begins With Me, Democratic Socialists of America- San Diego, Green New Deal at UCSD, Interfaith Coalition For Earth Justice (ICEJ), Mid-City Can, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Sierra Club SD, Sunrise SD, UPTE, Sustainability Club at Miramar College, San Diego Veterans For Peace.