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Earth, Water, Air, Fire - An Interfaith Service on the Climate Crisis
When: April 29, 2023 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Where: Balboa Park - Moreton Bay Fig Tree:
1788 El Prado
San Diego, California
Contact: Phil Petrie

As the environmental crisis deepens, we must take action to heal the planet where we have wounded it.  For persons of faith that action is rooted in our faith traditions and practices.  So we will gather on Saturday, April 29 at 5-6 PM at the Moreton Fig Tree arbor in Balboa Park for an interfaith, interactive and intergenerational service to connect with the Divine presence and build toward a thriving and diverse future. There will be music, hands-on activities and prayers from diverse faiths. This is a family-friendly event and youth are encouraged to participate. Following the service, we host a bring-your-own picnic for community and fellowship.  All are invited to attend!! 

For more information, contact Phil Petrie–phil@icejsd.org.

This event is sponsored by the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice and partner faith communities. 

What: Earth, Water, Air, Fire: An Interfaith Service on the Climate Crisis

When: Saturday, April 29  5-6 PM *

*Rain Date: TBD

Where: Balboa Park–Arbor by Moreton Bay Fig Tree, just west of Village Place and Park Blvd

Note: Please bring your own lawn chair (and a meal if you are staying for the picnic after)

For more information, contact phil@icejsd.org

Sponsored by the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice and faith partners