End Dependance on Fossil Fuels Day of Action
When: June 29, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Where: 1600 Pacific Highway
San Diego, California
Contact: Alli @ SanDiego350

Gather with us at waterfront park to demand Governor Newsom STOP issuing new oil extraction permits, END oil drilling where people are living, and PLUG leaking idle wells. 

Big Oil is continually allowed to perpetuate harm toward frontline communities. Oil extraction is still occurring near homes, schools, and community spaces, and Big Oil is still making exorbitant amounts of profit from global crises and by excessively raising gas prices. Idle wells across California continue to leak methane, poisoning thousands in areas such as Kern County.  Enough is enough–  Governor Newsom still has the time to become a climate leader, but it's running out fast. 

Join Youth V Oil at Waterfront Park as we gather to demand that Governor Newsom END CALIFORNIA'S DENDANCE ON FOSSIL FUELS and BECOME THE CLIMATE LEADER WE NEED HIM TO BE!

We are going to be doing an oil spill demostration from 4:00pm to 5:30pm, along with some powerful speeches and calls to action. Then, from 5:30pm to 7:00pm we are going to have food, music and fun! Invite your friends and family to join you at this powerful community event!

Join us: Raise your voice to call for bold action and climate justice

This action is created in partenrship with the Last Chance Alliance (https://lastchancealliance.org/).