November 5 is coming up– Here’s how to Vote for Climate!
Learn and Share about Sustainability Town Hall Chula Vista
When: November 18, 2023 @ 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Where: 259 3rd Ave
Chula Vista, California
Contact: Lexi Rueff, SanDiego350

In-person Community Town Hall Meeting with educational speakers, interactive activities, and organization booths. 

Presentations from Chula Vista youth and regional experts – Topics include: 

What you need to know about California's new composting laws (and composting tips!)
How our health is impacted by climate change
Improving public transportation options in the South Bay and region

Aprenda y comparta sobre sostenibilidad, Chula Vista

Asamblea comunitaria en persona con presentaciones educativos, actividades interactivas y mesas de recursos.

Presentaciones de jóvenes de Chula Vista y expertos regionales. Los temas incluyen: 

Todo lo que necesita saber sobre las nuevas leyes de compost en California (¡recomendaciones!)
Impactos del cambio climático en nuestra salud.
Mejoras del transporte público en el área de la Bahía Sur.