Calling all youth! This year’s Youth4Climate Summit: Voices in the Storm is Sat, March 15. Register today! 
Party 4 the Planet - volunteer fun!
When: December 7, 2024 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Where: Freedom Park in Morley Fields Sports Complex Balboa Park
2601 Jacaranda Pl
San Diego, California
Contact: Emma

We enthusiastically invite you to join us for our Climate Super Hero Party4thePlanet in celebration of our amazing volunteers and donors like you! This is a great event to meet like-minded people, share what your working on from across the organization, and bring people who want to get involved in the movement. We will celebrate our wins, mourn our losses, and get empowered for the fight ahead next year!

The party will include vegan food, party games, awards, and unstructured social fun! 

Program Overview: 

1 pm        Event Starts – Food Table & Art Activity Opens

2:00pm    Awards 

2:30pm    Group Photo & Zumba 

3:30pm    Event Ends 

(Completely optional) Dress up for our Super Hero Theme (ideas below):

Hope to see your beautiful self there! (psst. we’ll have SD350 t-shirts for sale!)

“We need everyone to act like a superhero and protect our planet. Take climate action now!”

Public bathrooms will be available and there is parking nearby.
