Beyond Warmer Weather – Looking at the Impacts of Climate Change

Desert, dry land

Author: Marilyn Bruno, Newsletter Reporter Most people are focusing on the serious impacts of extreme climate events such as wildfires, hurricanes, flooding and other disasters and the relentless rise in sea levels, which are already affecting fisheries, displacing coastal populations and undermining water and wastewater infrastructure. This article focuses on the impact of a temperature […]

The Climate Die-In: a Firsthand Look

Activist laying down on the ground with signs

Author: Tamara Kramer, SD350 Volunteer On August 2, SD350 participated in a “die-in.” Our activists laid down in protest at the Schwartz Federal Building to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency. Below is the firsthand experience of an activist who attended.  Being a part of this movement in whatever way I can […]

Climate and Weather: What’s the Difference?

By Aishik Saha The intertwining of the terms ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Global Warming’ can often be confusing for one another. Extreme weather events have included sudden cold waves and increased frequency and intensity of winter storms, leading to the questions of what are weather and climate and how are related to each other? What is […]

San Diegan’s Protest the Supreme Court’s EPA Decision

By Danielle Wilkerson, Action and Equity Coordinator On Saturday, July 2nd, SanDiego350 volunteers and community members rallied outside the Hall of Justice in response to the Supreme Court verdict in West Virginia v EPA. This decision ultimately limits the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, and sets a very worrying precedent […]

Pride and the Climate Movement

By Dolores Davies, Newsletter Reporter This month we are honoring the LGBTQ community with pride celebrations and parades as well as workshops and symposia. At San Diego 350, paying tribute to LGBTQ Pride is important to us. While at first glance, it may not seem to some that climate change has any specific relevance to […]

Civil Disobedience

By Marlyn Bruno, Newsletter Reporter When a country’s citizens want to protest a law or policy that is harmful to them, they can do a few things without disobeying any law: vote to elect representatives that support their interests; contact their current representatives at all levels of government to address their grievance or point of […]

SanDiego350’s Youth4Climate Summer Camp

By: Hannah Riggins, SD350 Youth Volunteer SanDiego350 recently launched the Youth4Climate (Y4C) Summer Camp to introduce climate activism techniques while allowing campers to discover their people, power, and passion. Designed for high school and college-level students, Y4C was first conceived in May, during the initial COVID lockdown, and is currently halfway through its second session […]

Hillcrest UU hosts a Scientist and a Theologian for Climate Change Discussion

On April 21st, the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego held an Earth Day event in conjunction with the Church For Our Common Home and SanDiego350. Bringing together people young and old from diverse faiths and religions, the highlight of the event was a presentation by Dr Veerabhadran Ramanthan and Dr John B. Cobb, […]