Calling all youth! This year’s Youth4Climate Summit: Voices in the Storm is Sat, March 15. Register today! 
Community Teams

Chula Vista Climate Action is a largely youth-led group advocating for a sustainable and equitable future in Chula Vista through public policy advocacy, climate education, and community engagement, for community members of all ages


  • Provide climate education to high school and middle school students.
  • Partnering with South Bay Sustainable Communities to help build eco clubs and composting programs in high schools and middle schools.
  • Host community engagement events like town hall meetings and participating in community outreach events, like the Lemon Festival and other community events.
  • Provide civic engagement opportunities where community members have the opportunity to have their voices heard on important policy issues, such as green bins, public transit, and public health.
  • Reported to the Chula Vista Sustainability Commission on survey findings from our town hall meetings and other public engagement. Here are our findings presented by Abby Costello, Rita Montano, and Lexi Rueff.


  • Successfully advocated for the Sweetwater Union High School District to pass an electrification resolution that will ensure:
    • All new buildings and modernization projects will be built all-electric!
    • Installation of electric vehicle charging and battery storage systems on all new construction projects.
    • A Green Jobs curriculum for students.
    • Evaluation of:
      • Pathways to electrify existing district buildings, with reporting back to the public by January 2035.
      • Electrification of district maintenance vehicles and bus fleets.
      • Phase out use of fossil fuels from all district infrastructure.
School board meeting
School board meeting
  • Held school actions in collaboration with Fridays for Future, where we urged Gov. Newsom to phase out oil drilling.
School direct action at Hilltop High School
  • In partnership with Kumeyaay Community College, hosted a field trip to the Living Coast Discovery Center where we learned about Indigenous approaches to sustainability and resilience.


Fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.


Check our Community Calendar and join us at upcoming climate justice and sustainability events!
If you would like to have your group’s event featured on the calendar, invite: