Stakes are higher than ever, and we need YOU. Register for the SD350 All Teams Open House Feb 10 to get involved. 
Vote for Climate- Nov 5, 2024


On November 5, 2024, millions of Americans will vote. Here in San Diego county, up to 83% of registered voters, almost 2 million people, have voted in recent years. This privilege matters in this year more than ever. Climate change is an imminently pressing issue, and we as voters are able to take direct action on it. 


We endorse ballot measures and provide resources for research so that our members and all climate-concerned voters can be best informed about how to VOTE FOR CLIMATE.

Abby Costello (Youth4Climate intern) speaks at Let's Go! San Diego (Measure G) Kickoff in Imperial Beach
Spreading the word about Measure G is easy!
  1. Find a good time: while you’re in traffic, on the bus, or just hanging out at home breathing! Measure G affects all parts of our life.
  2. Share what Measure G is, and why you support:
    1. “You know, Measure G will reduce traffic by fixing local roads and bridges and expanding public transit. SanDiego350, my favorite local environmental group, endorses it and actually helped develop it! Isn’t that awesome?”
  3. Show them how to pledge their support and Vote YES on Measure G! 


PS. Do you have questions? Check out these helpful FAQs



Short Description VOTEPRO
Measure G (SD County) Let’s Go! San Diego”: Fund transit and transportation infrastructure via half cent sales tax  YES
Prop 3 (State) Ensures same sex marriage rights in the California Constitution. YES
Prop 4 (State) “Climate Bond”: Issues bonds to fund environmental, climate and resiliency projects YES
Prop 5 (State) Makes it easier for municipalities to pass funding initiatives for affordable housing and public infrastructure YES
Prop 6 (State) Ends California’s use of the forced labor of incarcerated people YES
Prop 32 (State) A modest increase to the California minimum wage YES
Measure E (SD City) A one-cent sales tax increase going to the City of San Diego’s general fund Neutral
Feel free to share and read the longer version here

You’ll find more detailed information on the measures and propositions listed above, as well as pros and cons, and our reasoning behind each position.



See below for some of the basics, and visit our Voting Information Guide (compiled by our Youth v. Oil team) for more detailed information 

And be sure to register to vote or check your registration status here.

Important Dates: 
  • September 26: Voter information pamphlets mailed or emailed to registered voters.
  • October 5: Mail-in ballots are sent to registered voters.
  • October 8: Official ballot drop boxes open through Nov. 5.
  • November 5: Election Day! Last day to mail-in ballots, drop off ballots, or vote in person. All polling sites open from 7am to 8pm.
How do I register to vote?
  • Make sure you are registered to vote at YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS by October 21! 
  • Same day voter registration is available! More information 
  • People aged 16 or 17 may pre-register to vote
  • Mail-in ballots will be sent to every registered voter on October 5 and should be received within the week after that. Track the status of your ballot
How do I cast my ballot?
  • Send in your ballot by mail by October 31. No postage is required! 
    • Tip: send it early so it will be counted on Election Night! 
    • Follow the instructions on your mail ballot to mark your vote. Then, sign and date the outside of your return envelope. 
  • Drop off your ballot at a polling site by Tuesday, November 5! Drop boxes are open from Oct 8 to Nov 5. Find your drop off location at or at this link.
  • Visit a polling site Click this link to find your closest polling location.
    • Tip: Mail Ballot Voters who decide to vote at their polling place should bring their Mail Ballot; if you do not, a provisional ballot will be issued but not counted until County officials verify you are registered to vote and have not already voted.


Our top priority this cycle is Let’s Go! San Diego (Measure G) which will fund public transit throughout San Diego County. We need YOUR help to get the message out!