Stakes are higher than ever, and we need YOU. Register for the SD350 All Teams Open House Feb 10 to get involved. 
Policy Teams
The Transportation Team advocates for a fully connected, electrified regional transit system and pedestrian and bicycling infrastructure that are safe, convenient, affordable, and support GHG emission reduction goals.
RTA Photo
SD350’s Bee Mittermiller and Toshi Ishihara at the MTS electric bus launch


  • Advocating for the promotion of equity and reductions of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) of projects in the Regional Plan (visit the 2021 Regional Plan released by SANDAG in May 2021 to learn about the plan and opportunities for providing public input).
  • San Diego Transportation Equity Working Group (SDTEWG) is advocating for:
    • Youth Opportunity Passes, better amenities at stations, more frequent stops, and COVID-19 protection for drivers and riders.
    • Total electrification of the MTS bus fleet.
  • Educating the public and building coalitions in preparation for future transit ballot initiatives.


    • Attend SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments) and MTS (Metropolitan Transit System) meetings and provide written or oral comments.
    • Represent SanDiego350 at various coalition meetings.
    • Meet with elected officials to advocate for policies.
    • Educate SD350 members about policies and engage in transportation justice advocacy.
    • Analyze, describe, and track relevant local, regional, and state policies.
    • Advocate for a safe and connected active transportation (bicycling and pedestrian) network throughout the County.

Team Accomplishments

  • Helped pass AB 805 (which restructured SANDAG to better represent vulnerable communities).
  • Successfully advocated with MTS for a bus electrification pilot project.
  • Educated residents and partners about the 5 Big Moves & other transit campaigns.

Fun Fact!

Our Executive Director once got thrown out of a SANDAG meeting when they refused to develop a regional transportation plan that met state climate targets. 


The Transportation Committee meets the second Tuesday of every month from 6:30 – 8:00pm.