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2022 Accomplishments


Led Bold, Strategic Campaigns

Advocated for bold county action

We organized volunteers and residents to advocate for strong County action and a bold, equitable regional climate framework covering transportation, housing, carbon farming, renewable energy, climate justice and electrification.

Fought Sempra’s Fossil Fuel Agenda

We ramped up our Sempra Fracks Our Future Campaign, staging direct actions to expose how Sempra’s plan to expand fracked gas exports and kill rooftop solar denies us a sustainable, healthy, equitable future. 

Big wins - National & State Policies

Our advocacy paid off with Gov. Newsom signing a bill to create health & safety setbacks around oil wells and Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act which will fund renewable energy and climate justice. Though imperfect, these are big steps forward.

Empowered Youth

Youth v. Oil Scored Campaign Wins

SD350’s Youth v Oil campaign successfully advocated for a resolution calling for an end to oil extraction at San Diego City Council and met with state legislators to support the state bill creating safety buffers around oil drilling sites.

Leadership Programs

Provided hundreds of youth with leadership skills through two leadership summits, and trained and mentored more than a dozen high school & college interns.

Inspired Bold Youth Action

Supported youth-led climate strikes with over 3,000 participants (photos) in San Diego, Chula Vista, and over 20 high schools and universities across the County, earning news coverage in the Union Tribune and 4 TV stations.


Mobilized & Skilled Up the Movement

Mobilized Thousands

We organized thousands of San Diegans to protest climate inaction, provide public input, meet with elected officials, and advocate for stronger local, county, state and federal climate policies.

Educated & Empowered

We hosted dozens of workshops, trainings, forums and action hours featuring expert speakers on topics including micro-transit, the Regional Decarbonization Framework, and relevant ballot measures.

Grew Volunteer Leadership & Staff

We supported dozens of climate leaders to play key roles in campaigns, actions, and over 15 volunteer teams. And, we significantly grew our staff support for volunteer teams and team leaders.

Stood Up for Climate Justice & Equity

Stood in

Worked in coalition and stood in solidarity with BIPoC-led organizations to oppose a proposal to build a cement plant at the Port that would  dramatically increase air pollution from diesel trucks in the surrounding communities.

Built JEDI

Grew the JEDI team and integrated JEDI values. Held anti-racism and climate justice trainings, initiating a series of conversations with local Climate Justice leaders for our membership.

Advocated for Climate Justice

Organized San Diegans to advocate for health & safety setbacks around oil wells in California and to oppose Sen. Manchin’s “dirty deal” which would saddle frontline and BIPoC communities with new oil and gas extraction and pipelines.


We also invite you to read a special end of year message from our executive director.