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Teams + Campaigns

More than a dozen volunteer teams working to fight climate change through policy action, community engagement, and campaigns.

Transportation Team

Climate Action Plan Team

Building Electrification Coalition

Legislative Team

Food & Soil Team


Events Team

Marketing & Communications Team

Membership Engagement Team

Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) Team

Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice (ICEJ)

Chula Vista Climate Action


Raise The Alarm Team



Youth v. Oil Campaign

Eco-Club Coalition


Let's Go San Diego

Safe and Healthy California




Here’s how SanDiego350 has activated and grown the climate movement in San Diego

People Mobilized

In the streets and into the movement


Policy Wins

Advanced 100% clean energy, an equitable transportation plan and a Green New Deal

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Climate Activists

Equipped to lead and take effective action

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Youth Leaders

Empowered through training and hands-on  experience organizing peers

Read more about our accomplishments.


Brighter Future Gala

When: September 21, 2024 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Where: Mujeres Brew House, 1983 Julian Ave, San Diego, California, 92113

Join us to celebrate SanDiego350’s climate action work at our annual Gala fundraiser. The event will feature inspiring speakers, live music, and delicious food!


New Volunteer Orientation Chat

When: October 2, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: Zoom, California

Join the Member Engagement Team for an Orientation Chat to learn more about SanDiego350’s teams, campaigns, volunteer opportunities and a chance to bond with new volunteers.



Headshot of Daniel

Announcing the South Bay Clean Energy Education Program

By Daniel Hernandez (he/him) South Bay Community Liaison Intern ¡Por fin! (finally!) I’m excited to announce SanDiego350’s South Bay Clean Energy Education Program as the youth intern. We will work together to end our overreliance on fossil fuels by educating students about clean energy and how we can contribute to a greener future as high-schoolers. […]

Community members and advocates holding signs behind a big Let's Go! San Diego Sign

Let’s Go! San Diego is now Measure G: Vote Yes on Measure G!

By Emma Rodriquez, SanDiego350 Volunteer Coordinator Since 2022, SanDiego350 has advocated for Let’s Go! San Diego- a county-wide, half cent sales tax that will permanently fund our region’s badly-needed transportation projects. This week we’ve got the official designation, straight from the County Registrar of Voters, that will appear on millions of ballots: Measure G!  Measure […]

Youth tabling for SanDiego350

Youth-led Vote for Climate Campaign Launch

By Sofia Carrasco (she/her) and Kobi Schneider (he/him) Vote for Climate Campaign Co-Leads The upcoming November election is critical for many reasons, one of the most urgent being our response to the climate crisis. That is why, beginning this August, Youth v. Oil will be officially kicking off its Vote For Climate campaign, an effort […]


Member of the Month: Katrina Olson

This month, we interviewed SanDiego350 volunteer, Katrina Olson to share about their climate activism. Katrina writes SD350’s volunteer newsletters.  How did you first get involved with SD350, and when was that? I became involved 5 years ago, right after I retired and we moved to San Diego. What drives your activism? Climate change, to me, […]

Youth members holding signs and youth members covered in oil in front of an oil barrel that reads "fossil fuels"

Youth v. Oil celebrates Big Oil’s defeat and withdrawal of its costly referendum

The local youth-led campaign was instrumental in securing City resolutions in support of keeping the law to protect neighborhoods from toxic drilling San Diego, CA – After months of advocacy and activism from grassroots organizations and frontline communities, including Youth v. Oil in San Diego, last night (June 26) Big Oil withdrew its referendum to overturn […]

Students holding up a sign that reads Youth4Climate's Rise Up Rooted 2024 summit

Youth4Climate’s Rise Up Rooted Summit 

By Taarika Sethee and Allison Lee, SD350 youth climate leaders Also published on The Jumping Off Place Youth4Climate’s 2024 Summit, themed Rise Up Rooted, was an unforgettable gathering of passionate young minds and hearts. Over 50 activists, 37 of them youth, came together at KIPP Adelante Prep Academy to learn about and drive forward climate […]

Two people kayaking

Campaign Launch & Kayaking: SD350 Celebrates World Ocean Day

By Roran Ausman, SD350 Volunteer Also published on The Jumping Off Point Starting off the morning of World Ocean Day (June 8th) eating breakfast on the beach seemed fitting. It should have been serene, but seeing the empty waters of Imperial Beach a few days after reading Surfrider’s Clean Water Report, and knowing it’s been […]

Person speaking at rally in front of media outlets

Citizen Action Convinces San Diego City Council to “Fix the Fatal15”

By Chris Roberts, Transportation Team Leader Co-lead, SanDiego350 Also published on The Jumping Off Place On May 31, 2024, a remarkable rally was held at one of San Diego’s most dangerous intersections for pedestrians and bicyclists: Market and 19th Street in Sherman Heights. At that intersection, in 2020, Jason Gordon was crossing the street when he […]

Earth on fire

Catastrophe, Extinction, and the Limits of Collective Human Imagination

“Under the best of circumstances, we will see global catastrophe with highly-populated regions becoming uninhabitable.” By Joel Martin, Climate Writer Read the original article from The Jumping-Off Place, a new progressive news outlet. There is no point in sugar coating this. We almost certainly passed the 1.5 degree Celsius global temperature increase target last year and 2024 is […]

Headshot of Daniel Hernandez

Member of the Month: Daniel Hernandez

This month, we interviewed SanDiego350 volunteer, Daniel Hernandez to share about their climate activism. Daniel is part of the SD350’s Youth4Climate and Youth v. Oil. How did you first get involved with SD350, and when was that? I was first involved as a speaker at the Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) electrification resolution on […]
